Thursday, July 14, 2005

sailing loses the high flying comp to an unknown star. Shadow seems not to get the idea of the competition. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

camp fires at the end of the day Posted by Picasa

caught in the setting sun's rays Posted by Picasa

shadow delights in teaching the others the elf step dance Posted by Picasa

sailing proves what a good loser she is Posted by Picasa

attempting the cherry pip over the hedge competition, ladies (?) section Posted by Picasa

sailing's blind date shows up to her great delight Posted by Picasa

featherduck's missing feathers found Posted by Picasa

ringside view Posted by Picasa

waiting for the glossy mags to spot her Posted by Picasa

attempts to get heatherkey out of bed fails Posted by Picasa

channon explains the laws of migration to featherduck Posted by Picasa

shadow is unimpressed by the other's arm wrestling mime Posted by Picasa

handicapped press up competition starts Posted by Picasa

rare sighting of elf in kitchen Posted by Picasa

sundancer's disappearing jam explained after shadow learnt how to butter toast Posted by Picasa

sundancer trying to work out the lunch menu from his t-shirt Posted by Picasa

shadow discovers the mobile phone he had eaten by mistake had been left on repeat dial Posted by Picasa

the after effects of too much herbal tea Posted by Picasa

press ganged by sailing Posted by Picasa

Monday, July 11, 2005

a moment of tenderness Posted by Picasa

mystery object quiz Posted by Picasa

look we can do cute Posted by Picasa

view from the deck Posted by Picasa

I love you mum Posted by Picasa